2008 Membership Meeting    



HAND IN HAND: Shaping the Profession TOGETHER!


Our Second Annual Membership Meeting is a unique opportunity to stand together for equal access and medical interpreting as shared responsibilities. This meeting brings together diverse stakeholders:


- Policymakers and Legislators

- Hospital Boards and Administrators

- Agency, Independent, and Staff Interpreters

- Accrediting Organizations and Regulators

- Healthcare Provider

- Academic Institutions

- Trainers

- Associations

- Patients and Family Members

- Advocates

- Media Representatives


This year’s program is designed around five key topics:


Interpreter Training and Education

What are effective methods and formats for training medical interpreters? How long should a course of training run? What essential information is needed to adequately prepare medical interpreters? How should training address ethics and standards?


Quality of Interpreting Service Programs

How can a program be established? What tools does a program need? Once a program is in place, how can it be promoted? How can a program be monitored for effectiveness?


Funding Interpreting Programs

What sources exist for funding? How can they be accessed? What other resources are available? What do model programs do? Can Medicare funding be tapped? How can a multi-tiered pay system work?


Standards for Training

Where are the regional and national plans for standards and how do these impact training? How long should a program last? What qualifications should trainers have? Who should design curricula and what should they include?



Nationally, how can diverse stakeholders stand together, working to improve the field?




The 2nd Annual NCIHC Membership Meeting will be held at the Emory Conference Center in Atlanta, Georgia on June 5-6, 2008.  For hotel information, visit our 2008 Hotel Info page.


Register TODAY and SAVE! Take advantage of our early bird discount! Register before April 30th to save 15% off the regular price. Register here.


Download the 2nd Annual NCIHC Membership Meeting brochure here to learn more about the exciting activities we have planned!


Would you like to hear more about last year’s event? Click here to download the 42-page meeting report.


Interested in participating?  If you'd like to be considered for a presentation, read our call for proposals!  If your organization would like to have a presence at this great event, read our call for sponsors and exhibitors!


This year's meeting will be held to coincide with the Southeast Regional Interpreters Conference on June 6-7, 2008. Don’t miss the chance to attend two great events over a long weekend!


Questions? Contact the NCIHC Membership Committee.