Members Information & Frequently Asked Questions 
Information about member login and profile account, password reset, member renewal, auto-renewal, emails, receipts, listserv, webinars, and volunteer application


How do I log in to my membership account and access my profile?

1. Go to the NCIHC website at
2. Enter your username and password and click the "Log In" button.
Note: If you are already logged in, click the "Profile" tab at the far right.

screenshot of member landing page graphic that has other people cheering in the background.

3. Click on the MY PROFILE button to see the details of your account.

How do I change my password?

1. Be sure you are logged in to your NCIHC account and have accessed your member profile (see directions above).

screenshot showing the Change Password link

3. Enter your email address.
4. Click the "Send Password Reset Email" button.
5. Go to your email account to access the message that was sent and follow the directions provided.
6. Enter your new password and click the SAVE button at the bottom.
Note: if you do not receive the email within 24 hours, contact the Admin at [email protected] for further assistance.

How do I renew my membership?

1. Go to the email you received from NCIHC
2. Open the attached invoice

3. Scroll down to the bottom until you see the "Pay Invoice" button

screenshot showing the Pay Invoice button

4. Click on the button and fill out your payment information
5. Click Submit

If you are not able to see the "Pay Invoice" button, then you will need to pay from your NCIHC profile account. 

Renew membership from my NCIHC Profile account

1. Log in to your NCIHC member account and click on the "My Profile" button. (see directions above)
2. Click on the "Renew Now" button and follow the prompts to enter/update your payment information. You can select or deselect Auto-Renewal by clicking on the box.

3. Click submit.

Is auto-renewal available for my membership payment?

Members have the option to renew their accounts themselves or to keep a credit card on file so that their membership fee is automatically billed each year. Credit card information is stored in the payment processor, not the membership software. Once a member enrolls in auto-renew payments, they will be charged membership dues automatically, on their next expiration date.

For a member to update a credit card, the member must be in their renewal period and access the membership renewal process by way of the invoice, the membership profile account, or the membership form. Once in the form, members can opt in or out of auto-renewal and update the information on file with the payment processor.

Important Note: Members with auto-renewal will receive 3 separate renewal reminders before their expiration date (30, 14, and 7-day expiration notice). On your expiration date, payment will be made automatically and posted to your renewal invoice.

If a member has opted-in to auto-renew payments and wants to opt out, the member can take the renewal form through the NCIHC website and uncheck auto-renew, but the member must be in their renewal period to access the renewal form.

Click here for a guide to help you navigate the form during your renewal process.

Why am I not receiving emails from NCIHC?

All NCIHC communications are sent to the email listed in your member profile. Verify the email listed in your account by logging in to your profile and reviewing what is listed.

If the email listed is incorrect, then click on the Edit Profile button, scroll down to update the email address and click Save.

Where can I find the receipt for my payment?

All payments made to NCIHC on this website will be followed up with a confirmation email. This email will act as your receipt and will contain your payment information. If you have not received your payment confirmation email, check your spam or junk mail folder. If you are unable to find the email, contact the NCIHC Admin at [email protected] for further assistance.

NCIHC Listserv Overview

How do I subscribe to the NCIHC Members-Only Listserv?

1. Go to
2. Log in to the Members Landing Page using your username and password.
3. Go to your account by clicking on MY PROFILE button in the menu bar at the top.
4. Hover over the 'MY FEATURES' tab and then select ‘E-lists’.
5. Under the SUBSCRIBED header, move the toggle to the left to turn it ON.  This will activate your access to the listserv and will automatically move the toggle under EMAIL DELIVERY to ON as well.

How do I unsubscribe from the Listserv?

1. Go to
2. Log in to the Members Landing Page using your username and password.
3. Go to your account by clicking on the MY PROFILE button in the menu bar at the top.
4. Hover over the MY FEATURES tab and then select ‘E-lists’.
5. Under the SUBSCRIBED header, move the toggle to the right to turn it OFF. This will deactivate your subscription and also move the EMAIL DELIVERY toggle to the right to turn it OFF.

How do I post a message to the Listserv?

Method #1 - Send e-list messages from your email account

1. Confirm what email address is associated with your account.
2. Be sure to use that email account for sending messages to the NCIHC Listserv email.
3. Open up a new email message and enter the listserv address in the TO line: [email protected].
4. Click to send your message. Messages are sent immediately.

Method #2 - Sending e-list messages from your member profile

1. Go to
2. Log in to the Members Landing Page using your username and password.
3. Go to your account by clicking on the MY PROFILE button in the menu bar at the top.
4. Hover over the MY FEATURES tab and then select ‘E-lists’.
5. Click on the e-list name.
6. On the next screen, in the Messages tab, click on Post a New Message.
7. Edit the Subject line, body of your message, and add attachments if applicable.
8. Click on Send Message when you are finished.

Note: you must be subscribed to the e-list to send messages.

How do I change the email address for my listserv messages?

You simply log in to your NCIHC member account.  Click on "My profile", then hover over the tab labeled "My Features" and select "E-lists". Here, you will be able to edit your delivery address for listserv e-mails. You will not need to unsubscribe or re-subscribe.  The messages will automatically begin arriving at your updated email address.

Is there a daily digest option for receiving messages?

No, there is no option with the current listserv to receive all of the listserv messages in a daily digest format at this time.  This option may be added at a future time, however.

How can I manage the number of messages from the listserv?

If you are using Microsoft Outlook, follow these easy steps:
1. Click on Tools, then Rules & Alerts
2. Click on New Rule
3. Create a rule that moves e-mails sent to [email protected] into a folder of your choice.  You may wish to create a new folder for this purpose.

If you are using Gmail, follow these steps:
1. Click Mail Settings
2. In the tabs on the top of the page that give your account details, choose the tab labeled “Filters”
3. Click on “Create a new Filter”
4. Within the area named “Subject”, type the following (including brackets): [NCIHC Listserv]
5. Click “Create Filter with this search” at the bottom of the small window.
6. Create a rule that moves NCIHC Members-Only listserv messages into a label of your choice. You may wish to create a new label for this purpose. 

Note: If you prefer listserv e-mails to go directly to a Label of your choice within your Gmail inbox instead of appearing in your main inbox, choose the following actions while in step #6 above: “Skip the Inbox (Archive)” and “Apply Label”.

If you are using Yahoo! Mail, follow these easy steps:
1. Click on Options, then Filters
2. Click on Add
3. Set up the new rule to filter the messages as you prefer.

Are the messages archived for me to access later?

Presently, the listserv messages are not archived for access on the website. If there is a message that you lost from your own email archives, your best option is to send a message to the listserv to ask for the information.  More than likely, another listserv member will have the information you are requesting.

I have added myself to the listserv but I am still not receiving messages. Now what?

Have you checked with your IT department to see if a firewall setting is preventing you from receiving the messages sent from the listserv? Some of our members' e-mails have had the listserv messages mistaken as Spam. Please check with your IT department and let them know that you are expecting messages from [email protected] with "ncihc-members:" in the subject line.

As an organizational member, how do I add additional subscribers?

Simply send a request to [email protected] with the email addresses for up to five additional subscribers beyond the primary subscriber for your organization. Once your active organizational membership status is confirmed, the subscribers will be added.

How do I access the free webinars?

All of the NCIHC webinars can be found in the NCIHC Learning Center on our website. Review the catalog of webinars and choose your selection. Find the register link and fill out the form. You will need to log in (or create an account if this is your first time visiting our Learning Center) to view the recorded webinar. Webinars are free for active NCIHC members. If you are a member and are logged in, but the registration form is asking you to pay $30, then there may be an issue with your login or your membership. Contact the NCIHC Administrative Assistant for further help by emailing [email protected].

Click here to go to the NCIHC Learning Center.

How do I volunteer for NCIHC?

If you would like to seek volunteer opportunities with the National Council on Interpreting in Health Care, you should consider volunteering for one of our many committees or work groups. First, you must be an active member of NCIHC. Next, you will need to fill out the volunteer application.

Click here to access the NCIHC volunteer application.

If you are still having issues?

If you are still having issues and require assistance, please reach out to our Administrative Assistant.

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 202-505-1537 (Please leave a voicemail message)

Someone will get back to you as soon as possible.


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