NCIHC Board of Directors
An 11-member Board currently governs the NCIHC comprised of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and 7 Directors. Board members serve two-year terms and are elected by the NCIHC membership. Half of the board is re-elected in any given year.

President 2024-2026 Eliana Lobo Tacoma, WA

Vice-President 2023-2025 Carla Fogaren Brockton, MA
Treasurer 2022-2024, 2024-2026Debbie Lesser Atlanta, GA
Secretary 2021-2023, 2023-2025Rosemary Ford Nashua, NH
Director 2023-2025 Andy Schwieter Cincinnati, OH
Director 2024-2026 Henry Colindres Albuquerque, NM

Director 2024-2026 Kevin Cunningham Portland, OR

Director 2023-2025 Maichou Lor Madison, WI
Director 2023-2025 Fabiola Munafo Cincinnati, OH
Director 2024-2026 Cindy Roat Seattle, WA

Director 2022-2023, 2023-2025 Graciela Zozaya Houston, TX