Join Our Mission—Become a Volunteer!

The National Council on Interpreting in Health Care (NCIHC) relies on the dedication and expertise of volunteers to drive its mission forward. Our committees and work groups made up of passionate individuals, play a vital role in shaping policies, developing resources, and advocating for language access in health care. Volunteers contribute to meaningful initiatives that impact interpreters, healthcare providers, and the communities they serve.

Whether you have experience in health care interpreting, policy advocacy, education, or nonprofit work, your skills and dedication can make a difference. NCIHC committees and work groups focus on various aspects of our mission, from research and training to public policy and community outreach. 

Get Involved Today!

  1. Learn More: Explore our committees and find the best fit for your skills and passion by clicking here.

  2. Apply to join a Committee: Fill out the volunteer application by clicking the button below.

  3. Confirm Your Submission: Look for the confirmation email that provides an overview of your application. Someone from NCIHC will be reaching out to you via email in the next few weeks.

Join us in advancing language access in health care—your time and talents can help create a more inclusive and equitable system for all!

Volunteer Application