NCIHC Committees

The NCIHC consists of the following committees that support its organizational goals and mission, along with an advisory group of individuals who provide expert insight and support. Members interested in active participation in the work of the NCIHC, either on a committee or a specific project, should click here to learn more!

NCIHC Organizational Chart


The Executive Committee is made up of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and one member-at-large selected by the board.

Eliana Lobo (President) - WA
Carla Fogaren (Vice President) - MA
Debbie Lesser (Treasurer) - GA
Rosemary Ford (Secretary) - NH
Andy Schwieter (Member-at-Large) - OH

The Finance Committee is responsible for consulting with the Treasurer on the annual budget process of the corporation; reviewing and making recommendations on the annual budget submitted by the Treasurer and developing and recommending long-range financial objectives for the Council. The Finance Committee will be working with all other NCIHC Committees in carrying out its role of fiscal oversight and planning.

For more information, CLICK HERE to go to the Finance Committee web page.

The Organizational Development Committee is responsible for developing the policies and procedures needed by the Council to function fairly and openly over the long term. This committee develops draft policies and procedures for the Board to review, both at the request of the Board and at its own initiative. The Committee provides monitoring and oversight for much of the Council's activities, assuring that activities stay within the policies and procedures that have been established.  To this end, the Chair or the Vice-Chair serves on the Executive Committee.

For more information, CLICK HERE to go to the Organizational Development Committee web page.

The Outreach and Membership Committee manages communications with the Council's geographically, ethnically, professionally, and socially diverse multidisciplinary membership and supporters.

For more information, CLICK HERE to go to the Outreach & Membership Committee web page. You can click on the Work Group names listed above to visit their web page.

The Policy, Education, and Research Committee serves in an advisory capacity to assist organizations and individuals who want to carry out educational and research activities. It also tracks and responds to policy initiatives affecting interpreters and/or limited-English proficient, D/deaf, or hard of hearing individuals while promoting dialogue regarding research in language access and health care.

For more information, CLICK HERE to go to the Policy, Education and Research Committee web page. You can click on the Work Group names listed above to visit their web page.

The Standards and Training Committee works to develop consensus and share expertise around all aspects of interpreter practice and training. It includes several working groups that contribute through webinars, resource development for Languages of Lesser Diffusion, and white papers published through NCIHC. 

For more information, CLICK HERE to go to the Standards and Training Committee web page. You can click on the Work Group names listed above to visit their web page.