NCIHC Founders Wall

How It Began
by Cynthia Roat, Founding Member

In June 1994, a small group of healthcare interpreters, program planners, trainers, and health care providers from around the U.S. and Canada met in Seattle, WA at a conference organized by the Cross Cultural Health Care Program and the Society of Medical Interpreters, funded by the W. K. Kellogg Foundation. They had several goals:

1. to clarify the issues involved in improving interpretation services in health care settings.
2. to share experiences with and approaches to interpreting and the training of interpreters.
3. to lay the groundwork for the establishment of national standards of practice for medical interpreters.
4. to set an agenda for national debate around medical interpreter issues.

There were 28 participants in the conference, all of whom had connections to the field of medical interpreting. Despite a broad agenda, the role of the interpreter emerged as an issue of such apparent disagreement that it became the central focus of the conference. After two days, the participants were in clear agreement on only one thing: the need to continue the dialogue in a formal way and to continue to work together. The National Working Group on Interpreting in Health Care was officially formed.

A portion of this group met again briefly in June 1995 after the First International Conference on Community Interpreting (aka Critical Link), held outside Toronto, Canada. In May 1997, a more inclusive group of about 50 met again in Boston before the first National Conference on Health Care Interpreting organized by the Massachusetts Medical Interpreters Association.

The Working Group met again in Seattle in May 1998, preceding the Second Critical Link conference in Vancouver, BC., again sponsored by the Cross Cultural Health Care Program (with continued support from W. K. Kellogg Foundation) and the Society of Medical Interpreters (SOMI), with contributions from the Educational Development Center, Inc. At the end of this meeting, the group voted to formalize itself to a greater degree, and The National Council for Interpretation in Health Care was born.

Many people participated in these initial meetings of the National Working Group, laying the foundation for both the National Council and the field of Healthcare Interpreting. (CLICK HERE for a more comprehensive history of these early meetings.) Below are those who participated in either the first meeting in 1994 or the last in 1998.

Founders Members of the
National Council on Interpreting in Health Care (NCIHC)

Dr Maria Paz Beltran AveryDr Maria Paz Beltran Avery

Click here to read Dr. Maria Paz Beltran Avery's Biography

Click here to view her interview from the 25th Anniversary Celebration

Eduardo Berinstein

Click here to read Eduardo Berinstein's Biography

Click here to view the Founders Panel session from the 25th Anniversary Celebration

Shiva Bidar Sielaff

Shiva Bidar-Sielaff

Click here to read Shiva Bidar-Sielaff's Biography

Click here to view her interview from the 25th Anniversary Celebration

Dr. Cornelia Brown

Click here to read Dr Cornelia Brown's Biography

Click here to view her interview from the 25th Anniversary Celebration

Dr Bruce Downing

Dr. Bruce T. Downing

Click here to read Dr. Bruce Downing's Biography

Click here to view his interview from the 25th Anniversary Celebration

Julia Puebla FortierDr. Julia Puebla Fortier


Click here to read Dr. Julia Puebla Fortier's Biography

Click here to view her interview from the 25th Anniversary Celebration

Danyune GeertsenDanyune Geertsen


Click here to read Danyune Geertsen's Biography


Dr Eric HardtDr. Eric J. Hardt


Click here to read Dr. Eric J. Hardt's Biography

Click here to view his interview from the 25th Anniversary Celebration

Dr. Carey JacksonDr. Carey Jackson


Click here to read Dr. Carey Jackson's Biography

Click here to view his interview from the 25th Anniversary Celebration

Dr. Joseph KaufertDr. Joseph Kaufert


Click here to read Dr. Joseph Kaufert's Biography

Click here to view his interview from the 25th Anniversary Celebration

Jane Crandall KontrimasJane Crandall Kontrimas


Click here to read Jane Crandall Kontrimas's Biography

Click here to view her interview from the 25th Anniversary Celebration

Priscilla MendenhallPriscilla Mendenhall


Click here to read Priscilla Mendenhall's Biography

Click here to view her interview from the 25th Anniversary Celebration

Maria MichalczykMaria Michalczyk


Click here to read Maria Michalczyk's Biography

Click here to view her interview from the 25th Anniversary Celebration

Thu-Van NguyenThu-Van Nguyen


Click here to read Thu-Van Nguyen's Biography


Martine Pierre-LouisMartine Pierre-Louis


Click here to read Martine Pierre-Louis's Biography

Click here to view her interview from the 25th Anniversary Celebration

Bob PutschDr. Bob Putsch


Click here to read Dr. Bob Putsch's Biography

Click here to view his interview from the 25th Anniversary Celebration

Cindy RoatCynthia Roat


Click here to read Cynthia Roat's Biography

Click here to view her interview from the 25th Anniversary Celebration

Ira SenGuptaIra SenGupta


Click here to read Ira SenGupta's Biography

Click here to view her interview from the 25th Anniversary Celebration

Additional Founders

Margarita Battle, Manager of Interpreter Services, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston

Tom Bruce, W.K.Kellogg Foundation, Battle Creek, MI

Caroline J. Chang, Regional Manager, US Dept of Health & Human Svcs, Office for Civil Rights, Region I, Boston

Chanchoy Chao, Laotian interpreter, Asian Counseling and Referral Services, Seattle

Francis Cheng, Staff Attorney, National Health Law Program, Washington DC

Ri De Ridder, Counselor to the Minister of Public Health, Belgium

Hoai Do, Patient Care Coordinator, International Medicine Clinic, Harborview Medical Center, Seattle, WA

Maria Durham, Manager of Interpreter Services, University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Boston

Francesca Gany, MD, Director, New York Task Force on Immigrant Health, New York

Linda Haffner, Manager of Interpreter Services, Stanford Medical Center, Palo Alto, CA

James Hak Heng, Cambodian Interpreter, PacMed Medical Center, Seattle, WA

Sally Kohn, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Princeton, NJ

Margaret LaVallée, Ojibwa Interpreter, University of Manitoba Medical Center, Manitoba, Canada

Linda Okahara, Director, Asian Health Services, Oakland, CA

Andy Pascua, Yakima County Courts, Yakima, WA

Sherry Riddick, Director, Community Interpreter Services (CIS) Hospital Interpreter Program (HIP), Seattle

Carmen Rockwell, Regional Manager, US Dept of Health & Human Svcs, Office for Civil Rights, Region X, Seattle

Peggy Shapiro, Washington State Hospital Association, Seattle

Sharyne Shiu-Thornton, Professor of Anthropology, University of Washington, Seattle

Lisa Silverburg, US Dept of Health & Human Svcs, Office for Civil Rights, Washington DC

Lorraine Thomas, Navajo interpreter, U.S. Indian Health Service, Kayenta, AZ

Margaret Whalawitza, Navajo interpreter and Community Health Educator, Northern Navajo Medical Center, Shiprock, NM


In Memoriam

Raquel CashmanClick here to learn more about Raquel Cashman's life

John Chavez, Click here to learn more about John Chavez's life

Frank V. MartinezClick here to learn more about Frank Martínez's life

Ly Sieng NgoClick here to learn more about Ly Sieng Ngo's life

John NickroszClick here to learn more about John Nickrosz's life

Shari WilsonClick here to learn more about Shari Wilson's life