Healthcare-related Interpreter, Translator, and Language Access Organizations Map
Please take a look at the interactive map showing many of the state, regional, national and international organizations (Healthcare, Language, Interpreter, Translator, and Academic Organizations). More to come as we continually hear from you! Reach out to us @ [email protected] with your organization! If you support language access, then you should be on this map!
Looking for a home close to home? There are a growing number of local and regional interpreter associations around the country that focus on health care interpreting. And they are doing wonderful work, from providing training to lobbying their state legislatures to throwing parties! Join an association near you, or, if you are already a member, read up on what other associations are doing.
(Note: this list tries to be inclusive. If you know of an interpreter organization that has a special focus on health care interpreting, please contact the Membership Committee at [email protected], so that the organization can be added to the listing!)
National Organizations American Translation and Interpreting Studies Association (ATISA) International Association of Professional Translators and Interpreters International Medical Interpreter Association (IMIA) American Translators Association (ATA)