Standards & Training Committee
Description: The Standards and Training Committee works to develop consensus and share expertise around all aspects of interpreter practice and training. It includes several working groups that contribute through webinars, resource development for Languages of Lesser Diffusion, and white papers published through NCIHC.
Meeting Frequency: Monthly
Committee Members: Eliana Lobo (Chair), David Brackett, Eric Hardt, Analia C. Lang, Jane Kontrimas, Fabiola Munafo, Erin Rosales, Maria Schwieter, Yuliya Speroff
Contact email: stc@ncihc.org
Link to Interpreting For Healthcare podcast page: CLICK HERE to view the Interpreting for Healthcare podcast series catalog.
Standards & Training Committee Work Group Initiatives:
Home For Trainers Webinar Work Group - CLICK HERE to view their web page.
Languages of Limited Diffusion Work Group - CLICK HERE to view their web page.
Nation Ethics and Standards Work Group - CLICK HERE to view their web page.