Home for Trainers
Best training course (interpreting)
The Home for Trainers has two ongoing initiatives:
Webinars for trainers, created to help interpreter trainers address training issues and improve training content, methods and techniques to better meet the National Standards for Healthcare Interpreter Training Programs, providing such support by setting up a series of Webinars with pertinent instructional opportunities and related resources. Each webinar is presented by an expert Trainer of Trainers to address specific areas of content and particular teaching competencies. Recordings of past webinars may be accessed 24/7, and a new live Webinar is presented every two months. To learn more about the Trainers Webinars initiative, access past recordings, and learn about upcoming events, please visit http://www.ncihc.org/trainerswebinars or email [email protected].
The LLD Workgroup. The mission of this work group is to support trainers working with interpreters of languages of limited diffusion. Its focus includes, but is not limited to, the identification of resources, as well as information and guidance on dealing with language proficiency testing, help developing technical terminology, and supporting interpreting students who speak LLDs, including those for which there is no written form or only minimal diffusion of a written form. If you have questions, suggestions or would like to join this workgroup contact: [email protected]
If you are interested in applying for committee or sub-committee membership, let us hear from you by filling out an application form. Please indicate whether you would like to be considered for full committee membership, or, if you would like to be considered for a sub-committee, use the links above to communicate directly.