The National Council on Interpreting in Health Care (NCIHC) is opening nominations for the following Board positions to serve from May 1, 2025 - April 31, 2027:
- Vice President
- Secretary
Director (4 positions)
Who may run?
Anyone who has been a member of the National Council on Interpreting in Health Care (NCIHC) for more than three months may.
You may nominate yourself or someone else who you feel would make a significant contribution. If you nominate someone else, a member of the Nominating Committee will contact them to see if they accept the nomination and agree to serve for a two-year term if elected.
Nominations must be submitted on this website no later than Monday, December 2, 11:59 PM Pacific time.
If I am elected, will I need to travel?
Because our work is carried out “virtually,” Board members must have access to, and be adept at utilizing, electronic means of communication. While most of the work is conducted during traditional business hours, meetings may also occur during the evenings and on weekends.
What’s the timeline?
● October 14, 2024: Nominations open ● November 18, 2024: Nominations close; Extended December 2, 2024: Nominations close ● January 15, 2025: Voting begins ● January 31, 2025: Voting ends ● April 16, 2025: Election results announced publicly. ● Annual Membership Meeting: The new board is installed at this meeting. New board members are expected to attend.
What is expected of a board member?
The Board of Directors is the group that ensures the forward progress of the mission of NCIHC and has ultimate oversight and governance responsibility for ensuring the organization works towards its mission. The board provides a high level of care, compassion, enthusiasm and visionary leadership for the work of language access.
All board members are expected to:
- Bring their own unique, informed, relevant perspective to the challenges (and opportunities) of language access as faced by all relevant stakeholders.
- Help identify trends or challenges facing LEP patients.
- Propose and/or support initiatives that provide more equity for LEP patients.
- Inform and support stakeholders in sharing best practice ideas related to language access.
- Develop innovative strategies for helping the organization address the ever-evolving challenges of equity as it relates to language access.
- Help shape long-term strategy for the organization.
- Be able to:
- Listen empathetically and see, appreciate and truly inhabit the diversity of challenges and perspectives faced by all stakeholders in language access.
- Communicate clearly and simply and dialogue openly, candidly and respectfully with all stakeholders, including fellow board members.
- Value another’s opinions and change one’s mind.
- Take the initiative willingly and enthusiastically investigate, assess and pursue new and relevant opportunities for NCIHC and all stakeholders.
- Be mission-minded and personally invested with a selfless and earnest desire to see the challenges of language access meaningfully addressed.
Position Descriptions
Following is a description of each open Board position and the responsibilities each entails. In addition to the duties listed below, all members of the Board are expected to:
- Prepare for and attend a monthly 90-minute Board meeting
Preparation for board meetings requires reading of the reports prepared for the meetings which may consist of reports from committees, and include pending policy or fiscal decisions as well as decisions on new initiatives.
- Participate in other NCIHC activities such as committees, work groups, and/or other projects.
- Respond to email requests for input on decisions affecting the entire organization and for contributions to committees, working papers, or other projects.
- Participate in the Annual Membership Meeting.
The amount of time each Board member dedicates to the NCIHC will vary, but individuals running for the Board should consider their ability to devote sufficient time to the Council’s work.
Given the intrinsic need for a diversity of perspectives in addressing the challenges of language access, we seek Board Members who possess a desire and the personal initiative to seek out opinions and perspectives that are outside of the “mainstream” of dialogue of language access.
Vice President
- Ensures the forward progress of the mission of NCIHC.
- Must be a member of the Executive Committee.
- Ultimate oversight and governance responsibility for ensuring the organization works towards its mission.
- Provides a high level of care, compassion, enthusiasm and visionary leadership for the work of language access.
- Bring a unique, informed, relevant perspective to the challenges (and opportunities) of language access as faced by all relevant stakeholders.
- Identify trends or challenges facing LEP patients.
- Propose and/or support legal initiatives that provide more equity for LEP patients.
- Inform and support stakeholders sharing best practice ideas related to language access.
- Develops innovative strategies for helping the organization address the ever-evolving challenges of equity as it relates to language access.
- Shape long-term strategy for the organization.
- Carry out special assignments as requested by the President. Such as participation in other committees or sub-committees (Organizational Development; Outreach and Membership, Social Media, Annual Membership Meeting).
- Understand the responsibilities of the President and be able to perform these duties in the President’s absence.
- Preside at all Board and Executive Committee meetings and exercise and perform such powers and duties as from time to time may be assigned to the President by the Board or prescribed by these bylaws.
- Serve as ex-officio member of all committees and may call any special meetings as necessary.
- The general manager and Chief Executive Officer of the NCIHC and shall have the powers and duties of general supervision, direction and control of the business and affairs of the NCIHC, subject to the control of the Executive Committee.
- Act as spokesperson, or designate another Board member, for the organization.
- Periodically consult with the Board members to assess his/her role and performance, as well as to assess the overall functioning of the board.
- Vice President must have previously served on the NCIHC Board.
- Candidates for officer positions that will have access to NCIHC financial assets must pass a criminal background check, which will be paid for by the NCIHC.
- Empathetic listening and the capacity to see, appreciate and truly inhabit, the diversity of challenges and perspectives faced by all stakeholders in language access.
- The capacity to communicate clearly and simply and dialogue openly, candidly and respectfully with all stakeholders, including fellow board members.
- The ability to value another’s opinion and change one’s mind.
- The ability to take initiative willingly and enthusiastically investigate, assess and pursue new and relevant opportunities for NCIHC and all stakeholders.
- Mission minded and personally invested with a truly self-less and earnest desire to see the challenges of language access meaningfully addressed.
- Attendance at the Annual Membership Meeting. The Board shall set the location, date and time and notify members no less than three (3) months prior to meeting date and time.
- Must serve as a member of the Executive Committee.
- Ability to serve a term of two years with a limit of three consecutive terms.
- Attend all Board meetings and serve on the Executive Committee. This means t two 60 minute monthly meetings. Preparation for Board Meetings requires reading of the reports prepared for the meetings which may consist of reports from committees, and include pending policy or fiscal decisions as well as decisions on new initiatives.
To see a video of the current Vice President talking about her work in this position. Vice President (website link) -or Vice President (YouTube Channel)
- All the responsibilities of a Board member (see below)
- Must be a member of the Executive Committee.
- Ensures the forward progress of the mission of NCIHC is documented through meeting minutes of the Board and the Executive Committee.
Content to include:
- time and place of each meeting.
- indication if it is a regular or special meeting (if special, how authorized, the notice thereof given, names of those present).
- main bullet points to highlight ideas and discussions, motions, action items and responsible parties.
- A template is provided.
- Shares meeting minutes with attendees and uploads them to a folder on the Council’s cloud storage.
- Gives notice of all the meetings of the Board required by the bylaws, or by statute to be given.
- All other duties as assigned.
- Must serve as a member of the Executive Committee.
- Current member of NCIHC for more than 3 months.
- Ability to serve a 2-year term with a limit of three consecutive terms.
- Empathetic listening and the capacity to see, appreciate and truly inhabit, the diversity of challenges and perspectives faced by all stakeholders in language access.
- The capacity to communicate clearly and simply and dialogue openly, candidly and respectfully with all stakeholders, including fellow board members.
- The ability to value another’s opinion and change one’s mind.
- The ability to take initiative willingly and enthusiastically investigate, assess, and pursue new and relevant opportunities for NCIHC and all stakeholders.
- Ability to summarize discussion content in writing capturing essential thoughts, ideas and responsible party.
- Must be highly organized and able to multi-task for taking minutes and participating in the meeting.
- Empathetic listening and the capacity to see, appreciate and truly inhabit, the diversity of challenges and perspectives faced by all stakeholders in language access
- The capacity to communicate clearly and simply and dialogue openly, candidly and respectfully with all stakeholders, including fellow board members.
- Mission minded and personally invested with a truly self-less and earnest desire to see the challenges of language access meaningfully addressed.
- Ability to serve a term of two years with a limit of three consecutive terms.
- Attendance at the Annual Membership Meeting. The Board shall set the location, date and time and notify members no less than three (3) months prior to meeting date and time.
- Attendance at two 60-minute monthly meetings (The Executive meeting and the Board meeting). Preparation for Board Meetings requires reading of the reports prepared for the meetings which may consist of reports from committees, and include pending policy or fiscal decisions as well as decisions on new initiatives.
- Board Members are expected to follow a duty of loyalty by completing a Conflict of Interest form on a yearly basis, and by informing the Board of any new conflict of interest activity as it may impact their role as a Board member. Board Members shall accrue financial gain from their relationship with NCIHC.
To see a video of the current Secretary talking about her work in this position. Secretary (website link) -or Secretary (YouTube Channel)
Director (4 positions open)
- All the responsibilities incumbent on every board member (please see above).
- Serve as liaison to at least one Committee (Standards and Training; Policy, Education and Research; Organizational Development; Outreach and Membership; Finance; Nominating; Annual Membership Meeting Organization).
- Attendance to monthly 90-minute Board meetings.
- Attendance at the Annual Membership Meeting.
- Current member of NCIHC for more than 3 months.
- Ability to serve a 2-year term with a limit of three consecutive terms.
- Empathetic listening and the capacity to see, appreciate and truly inhabit, the diversity of challenges and perspectives faced by all stakeholders in language access.
- The capacity to communicate clearly and simply and dialogue openly, candidly and respectfully with all stakeholders, including fellow board members.
- The ability to value another’s opinion and change one’s mind.
- The ability to take initiative willingly and enthusiastically investigate, assess, and pursue new and relevant opportunities for NCIHC and all stakeholders.
To see a video of a Director talking about her work in this position. Director (website link) -or Director (YouTube Channel)
Click on the button below to access the Nomination form.