NCIHC Statement on Discrimination and Racism Against People of Asian Descent
Published March 2021
Asians have a long, rich, and complicated history in the United States. Sadly, that history includes being the targets of racial bias, discrimination, and violence, which has increased exponentially as a result of the pandemic. Stop AAPI Hate has reported 3,795 incidents between March 19, 2020 and February 28, 2021. The National Council on Interpreting in Health Care (NCIHC) outright denounces these occurrences and the societal influencers upholding the existence of such baseless hatred.
To our Asian, Asian-American, and Pacific Islander members, language providers, language services administrators, users of language services, and their families and friends, we reaffirm our unwavering support. We join you and the nation in grief and outrage at the killings in Atlanta on March 16th, 2021.
The histories of so many within our communities including Asian Americans, African Americans, Latinx communities, Indigenous Peoples, and other racial and ethnic minorities deserve reexamination and need to be told by people within those communities. NCIHC remains committed to dismantling White supremacy and to ending the stereotypes that lead to a racist mentality and racist behaviors.
NCIHC, a multidisciplinary organization whose mission is to promote and enhance language access in health care in the United States, stands in solidarity with all communities regardless of race, ethnicity and language barriers as we continue to pursue the following values:
Social justice
Respect for and acceptance of all peoples, including small communities, native peoples, and cultural communities whose tradition is oral
As an organization, NCIHC will continue to stand by the Asian American community, to push back against anti-Asian hate, and to work to end all forms of racism. Below is a list of resources toward that goal.

Anti-Asian Racism Resources