Trainers Webinar #22

Trainers Webinar 22

This live webinar took place on December 15, 2016. 

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This webinar is approved by CCHI for 1.5 instructional hours, by ATA for 1 CEP, and by 0.15 IMIA CEUs


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Please email requests for certificates of attendance to [email protected] and indicate that you are requesting a certificate in the subject line. Every effort will be made to provide certificates to individuals who meet eligibility requirements within two weeks of their request.

Some comments received:
  • "I thought that the webinar was very educational and helps us interpreters learn more about how to communicate to this vast group among others groups as well by implementing what we have learned today.  Awesome Job!!!"
  • "This was an incredibly helpful webinar. You amaze me."
  • "Thanks for broaching what could be a controversial topic with amazing humanity and clarity. Bravo!"
  • "Thank  you so much for hosting this webinar. Tim Moriarty and Jorge Ungo were just fabulous."
  • "This was absolutely fantastic. Thank you to everyone for the preparation and research that went into this, making it open, friendly, and so, so informative. I will use this in my classes."
  • "Loved the way all the resources were managed and the links presented to viewers."
  • "That was a fantastic webinar! Too bad there wasn't enough time to talk more about the different terminology and cultural issues related to GLBTQIA community. I for sure learned a lot today that will be able to apply with students and as Interpreter myself. Thank you."


One of the national standards of practice for healthcare interpreters that is often misunderstood is impartiality. It’s important for students as well as experienced interpreters to understand that at times they will be requested to interpret in situations about which they may have internal conflicts.  Claiming a conflict of interest in these cases is not the ideal solution, as it might decrease language access. One area in which many interpreters have very limited knowledge and experience but may have very strong personal feelings is patients who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, asexual, or those who consider themselves queer. These sessions are more challenging than they need to be if interpreters do not evaluate their own biases with regard to LGBTQIA people and do not have the appropriate knowledge and vocabulary to impartially assist this unique group of patients. Additionally, LGBTQIA individuals face significant barriers in accessing health care that are heightened when that person is also limited English proficient (LEP). This training will provide trainers a framework for incorporating LGBTQIA issues in interpreting training, including respectful vocabulary that will allow patients and their family members to feel comfortable in opening up to their healthcare provider, regardless of the situation. 

Learning objectives:

  1. Trainers will be able to assess their own familiarity and comfort with interpreting encounters involving individuals who identify as LGBTQIA.
  2. Trainers will be able to identify at least 3 risk factors that contribute to LGBTQIA health disparities.
  3. Trainers will be able to access online tools to incorporate more LGBTQIA topics into interpreter training programs. 

 T Moriarty     Tim Moriarty, MPA, CMI-Spanish,CHITM                                                     

J Ungo     Jorge U. Ungo

About the presenters:

Tim Moriarty is manager of Interpreter & Translation Services for Baystate Medical Center, and responsible for interpreter services throughout the Baystate Health System in Western Massachusetts.  His department consists of 50 staff interpreters who speak English and 11 different languages.  Tim has been on the Baystate Health Diversity Council since its inception several years ago, and until recently was chair of Baystate Pride, Baystate Health’s employee resource group for LGBTQ employees and friends and families.                                                                

Jorge U. Ungo has been a well-known figure in the language services industry for almost 15 years. The 2015 recipient of the Texas Star in Language Access Award, Jorge has served the industry as President of the Texas Association of Healthcare Interpreters and Translators (TAHIT), a Board Member and Social Media Administrator for the National Council on Interpreting in Healthcare (NCIHC) and now, a Commissioner for the Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters (CCHI). Born in El Salvador and raised in a bilingual, bicultural family in Texas, Jorge has made it his mission to advocate for the rights of marginalized people. 

System Requirements

PC-based attendees:        Required: Windows® 8, 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server

Mac®-based attendees:    Required: Mac OS® X 10.6 or newer

Mobile attendees:            Required: iPhone®, iPad®, Android™ phone or Android tablet 


Reasonable Accommodation:  If you require an ADA accommodation, please contact Nicole Steen, the NCIHC Administrative Assistant, at (202) 505-1537 or email [email protected].  Nicole Steen must receive your request for an accommodation no later than two weeks prior to the date of this event. For those who request an accommodation after this date, every effort will be made to provide a reasonable accommodation; however, we may not be able to do so given potential time constraints.

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